If you find a post that violates our community policies, please click the 'Report' button at the end of that specific post. You do not need a membership to do so.
There are two ways to submit an abuse report on Hotcopper.
- When logged in as a member
- As a casual visitor of the site with no membership
Reporting abuse as a member
When logged in to the Hotcopper site, go to the post you want to report and click the 'Report' button.
Then fill out the following:
- Select the moderation policy you believe the post violates from the 'Choose reason' menu.
- In the comment field, provide your reason for reporting the post, including any evidence that will help the moderators understand your argument for why the post violates our community standards.
- Then, submit by clicking the 'Report Post' button.
Reporting abuse as a casual site visitor
You do not need to be logged in to submit an abuse report. Go to the Hotcopper post and then click on the 'Report' button:
Then fill out the following:
- Select the moderation policy you believe the post violates from the 'Choose reason' menu.
- In the comment field, provide your reason for reporting the post, including any evidence that will help the moderators understand your argument for why the post violates our community standards.
- Provide your name and valid email so that we can verify submissions
- Then, submit by clicking the 'Report Post' button.